Here's is my own story of transformation...
Hey friend! Thanks for stopping by. I'm Mark Ricktor (Coach Mark). I am The Men's Empowerment Coach... also a Single Father, Veteran, Educator, ICF Life Coach (ACC), and Navigator of Chaos...

Redefining what it means to "Man Up"!

20+ Years Experienced as a Life Coach, Educator, Mentor, Veteran, Single Father, and Navigator of Life's Chaos

Welcome, Guys! My name is Mark Ricktor, and I am The Men's Empowerment Coach. I want to introduce myself and share with you why the work of men's empowerment is my passion. 

Growing up in the 60s, 70s, and 80s my father embodied the typical ideals of masculinity at the time. He believed that showing emotions was a sign of weakness, and seeking help was out of the question. Anything less and you were considered less than a man and...well you get the picture - Pretty Toxic!

As his son, he naturally expect me to follow in his footsteps and become what he and society considered to be "a Man" But there was one problem—I am wired differently. 

Trying to make me into the man he wanted me to be left little to no room for me to grow into the person I was meant to be. To make a long story short...Despite being punished when he would catch me crying, or making a mistake at school or in sports, and although I tried my hardest to be what he wanted me to be - I just couldn't. I am an empath and very in touch with my spirit and emotions. As you can imagine I grew up feeling very hurt and angry. Now that I am older I can trace my growth from Anger to Peace and how much happier I am. 

Taking time to get in touch with myself and the man that I want to be, discovering self-acceptance, finding clarity, and determining my own life path is how I have come to the point where I would give all I have to sit and talk with my dad, not as father and son - but rather man to man. Thus the origins of my work.

Guys - ask yourself if any part of my story feels familiar to you. I know it must because I have been coaching for a few years now, and also in my work with The Stephen Ministery, we discover that men do not inherently ask for help - of any kind! 

Like my father, we internalize everything, keep the ball rolling, and become the men our families and society say we are to become, and we reward ourselves for putting everyone first and ourselves last - all because we were taught that is what being a man is expected to be.

WELL - I am here to start a movement and offer a path to a new and happier reality!

Like all moments and journeys, it all starts with a first step. I am here to offer you yours!

Working with me you will receive
My Dedication, My Experience, My Time, and My Honesty!

© Mark Ricktor


Copyright Mark Ricktor